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Tiffany doesn't consider herself as a "Teacher" but more as an "Awakener". Vibrating the Divine Light of our Source/Creator comes in multiple modalities of energy healing. Each of us has the ability to tap into this "Universal Healing Energy of Light." Let's Awaken what already lies within you! Learn from the comfort of home. Enjoy private, one on one instruction. Schedule classes at your convenience, for these courses are self-paced. 

Many online courses get a bad reputation for selling you information, sending you an Attunement then never hearing from your teacher again. These courses are NOT like that at all. These courses are one on one, close instruction with video sessions to discuss and go over the course material and in giving the Attunement/Attunements.  Even after the course has been completed, you will remain in contact with Tiffany. You will also have access to periodic 'Reiki/Healing Shares'  via video sessions with former students so that what was learned is being utilized.

Upon course registration and payment received, further instruction and course materials will be sent to you via email in pdf format.

Traditional Usui Reiki  Certification Classes 

Traditional Usui Reiki is a form of energy work where you become the channel for energy. You are able to facilitate healing for others. Being certified in Usui Reiki allows you to work with clients and have your own Healing practice. After payment is received, the course material is sent to you through either email in pdf format. Once, the material is received you will contact me via phone or email  and we will set up an appointment. ​After the teaching and Attunements are complete you will receive your Reiki Certification via mail. 

This is the Traditional, with a Lineage, Usui Reiki Certification Course. 

Reiki I :     $120

What is Reiki
History of Reiki
How Reiki heals
How Reiki can be used
The different levels of Reiki
Self-treatment with Reiki
How to give a Reiki treatment to another person
Healing with pets and animals
Reiki hand positions
How to feel and work with the Reiki energy
Hands-on practice giving and receiving Reiki
Reiki I Attunement

Reiki II:     $210
Prerequisite: Reiki Level I, minimum of 21 days between Reiki I and II

Introduction to Reiki symbols
How to use Reiki symbols
Reiki for specific conditions
Reiki for healing unwanted habits
Distant healing with Reiki
Healing the past and future with Reiki
Reiki sharing with one another
Advanced Pet Reiki
Reiki II Attunement

Reiki ART & Master Teacher; Also known as Reiki III:     $300
The Reiki Master Level Certification is a professional certification program that requires a deep commitment to Reiki practice. Minimum requirements for this course:

Usui Reiki Level 2 Certification for at least 3 months
A daily personal Reiki/Healing practice
Experience in sharing Reiki/Healing with others, both in-person and distance
A commitment to your own spiritual path, to Reiki/Healing, and to upholding the highest ethical standards and integrity as a Reiki Master.

​Reiki III:

Usui Reiki master symbol 
Reiki meditation techniques
Using a crystal grid for distant Reiki
Aura clearing and creating sacred space with Reiki
Antahkarana Tibetan ancient symbol of healing
How to give Attunements to others
Professional ethics and boundaries in Reiki practice

It is highly recommended that this book is purchased to use in addition to your provided course materials: "The Original Reiki Handbook of Dr. Mikao Usui", by Dr. Mikao Usui and Frank Arjava Petter. ISBN:978-0-9149-5557-3

A Discount Package is Available to purchase the whole Traditional Usui Reiki course at once. Since this is a Discounted Price, Payment Plans are excluded with this package. $500  ($130 savings)
Course Recommendations by Graduated Students

Note: Some classes mentioned are no longer being offered. 

"Tiffany, I can't thank you enough for the Crystal Reiki Master Certification.  It was great chatting with you and thanks also for the Attunement. I did feel it!!! Great energy and I can't wait to start practicing it myself. Very very nice meeting you and Spirit guided me to the right person." 

~Michele Dawson, Crystal Reiki Master Teacher 

"Tiffany is a wonderful Teacher and Healer for the Reiki practice. I went through Reiki I - to Master Teacher with her. She is clear, thorough and understanding of where different people come from. She relates the material to a variety of practices for better understanding. Most of all she is patient and not rigid in her guidance of those who come to her from learning. I highly recommend her."

~ Rissa Raven Sullivan, RMT (Reiki Master Teacher)

"The connection with Tiffany during the attunements were very powerful for me. I felt my heart chakra and my third eye open up to their fullest potential. I love how she teaches us to follow our own path and her answers are very inspiring. I have been opened to a whole new world of energy shifts and magic! She is there to guide you to remember who you once were, if that resonates with you, Tiffany is the perfect teacher and guide to work with!"

~ Pamela Chen, Atlantean and Usui Reiki Master Teacher

"Tiffany White is the most sincere, loving person I have ever met. She has taught me so much over the past several months and has guided me when I have had many doubts. She has taught me to be patient and listen. I would of never understood my gifts if it was not for her kind guidance. She saw gifts in me that I never knew existed and it all makes sense to me now. I look forward to learning so much more through her and now have a life- long friend that is truly a blessing. Thanks so much for giving me insight to the things I needed to hear to awaken my gifts! You are truly a gifted woman Tiffany and I thank God and the Universe for bringing you into our lives. Peace and Love, Lynda."

~ Lynda Wilson, RMT

"First of all I would like to thank Tiffany for her passion for helping others. Her energy and love for all is infectious. Her ability to translate the information you need to reach your potential is one of her best qualities as a teacher. One of the things I found most comforting about her teachings is her patience that allows you to progress at your own rate. Nothing is force fed. She allows you time to absorb the information at your own pace. The attunements were surprisingly gentle but had extremely profound effects on my connection with what I could see, feel (emotionally and physically), and hear. Each level of attunement enhances your abilities to connect and heal what is needed. Attunements affect everyone differently but be assured that Tiffany will be there to help you through the entire process. Her encouraging and nurturing methods of teaching make the learning process enriching physically, mentally as well as spiritually. Anyone looking to enrich their lives with a better connection with the Universe and the people around them should take Tiffany's courses. Thank you again Tiffany for all your help and know the love you put out is returned tenfold."

~ Steven Durdek, Usui and Crystal Reiki Master Teacher

"Reverend Tiffany White certified me for all three Reiki Levels. She is an amazing woman with amazing energies. All the reading material was sent to me in a presentable fashion. She even sent extra material to read and look at. Tiffany took the time to answer questions I had and to make sure that I understood the concepts of Reiki. Tiffany is a great Teacher. Not only is she a Reiki Master, herself, but she understands Energy Work on a very deep level. These are the kinds of Teachers and practicing Healers we need in todays world. I recommend Tiffany to all of those who wish to get certified in Reiki. She is kind, understanding and so alive. It is a beautiful mix to have in such a great Teacher. Thank you, Tiffany, for all your Help."

~ Elif Ahmad, RMT

Psychic Medium Awakening & Development Course: "I recommend this course for anyone who is just starting out in their journey and anyone who is inspired to learn more. For me, just starting out to awaken to my gifts, it was kind of confusing and scary. I did not understand what was going on. Tiffany's course helped me to gain the knowledge I so needed to understand and accept my journey. Tiffany's course gave me the knowledge/ tools to help me understand and helped me to connect with God/source, guides, guardian angels, animal totems and so much more. This course helped me to trust my guides and myself more. This course has helped me grow. Tiffany is an angel here on earth and I thank God for her. Tiffany's patience and knowledge is amazing. Tiffany is a ray of love. Tiffany and her course helped me when I was confused, scared and lost. I highly recommend her course, as well as any of her courses."

~ Maureen Lansing, RMT 

"Tiffany is an amazing woman, teacher, and mentor. I have learned so much from her true guidance and abilities. The Psychic Medium Awakening and Development Course was wonderful. There were a lot of gray areas for me in my understanding of Psychic and Mediumship work. Through this course Tiffany explains all aspects of this beautiful and healing work. With added bonuses of some demonstrations and the actual workings of what lies inside of each and everyone of us was enlightening. Thank you!!!

~ Brian Pepin, RMT  

Psychic Medium Awakening & Development Course: 
"I took a psychic medium awakening class with Tiffany and wow is all I can say. This class teaches and incorporates many aspects of psychic development and the different modalities of it. Tiffany, in a purposeful way, organizes the material so that the student can build on his or her own development and psychic sense. Tiffany is very there for her students and will be your biggest supporter and fan. Take a class with Tiffany for she is very sweet, intelligent, intuitive, talented and you will come away feeling good about yourself.  I still apply and understand many of the tools presented by Tiffany and it's amazing to bask in the tremendous light that she shines for all that cross her path. I recommend this course to any humble seeker who gravitates to a genuine and wonderful instructor.

~ Jacob L. Cooper MSW, RMT  

"Tiffany has helped me tremendously with the Psychic Medium Awakening & Development class. The class did exactly what it was supposed to do. I have reopened and reawakened knowledge I was born with and have gained a wonderful friend in the process."

~  Angel Kimmell 

"I was immediately drawn to Rev. Tiffany White and her online courses at Goldylocks Temple of Healing, LLC. Her style and and course materials resonated with my inner self immediately and I felt 100% comfortable with all the class content and study materials. From her Psychic Medium Awakening and Development Course to the Usui Reiki I, II and Master Level as well as the Crystal Reiki Master courses I proudly hang my Certificates on my office walls! Rev Tiffany's attunements are powerful and I am blessed to be at the right place and right time! All the online courses are self paced and you can go as fast or as slow as you require. As we discussed from one old Soul to another, "It's all really just an Awakening!" Be well my friends! Thank you Tiffany."

~ Sherry Scott - The Mystical Goddess, RMT, CRMT, LMT  

"I just wanted to take the time to reach out, thank you and check in! I have been doing my internship at the Center for Healing Therapies and have been having so much growth since my time with you. The self-knowledge you gave me has opened me up to taking the steps to heal and move on! Learning from our time together, I have been able to open up more to supportive people and raise my energy levels. I've been working on keeping an outside awareness, without judgement, which has been a challenge but I am already reflecting upon the growth. Having this great opportunity here, I have been inviting new rituals into my day like meditating, yoga twice a day, eating mindfully, and hula hooping!

I just wanted to thank you for being there for me always and giving me a nice stepping stone to start on this new path! I often come to that wonderful purple binder (the Psychic Medium Awaking and Development Course) to remind myself I am an empath and to be in tune with the world around me." 

~ Kristin Gaudet - Student, School of Psychology in MA 

"I do truly feel blessed to have been guided to Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman as my teacher. The Atlantean Reiki Master Teacher course was incredibly enlightening and powerful in many ways. The fact that you are able to read the material at your own pace is very helpful for those of us with hectic lives. The material was easy to read and so completely eye opening and connective! I could not be happier with it. This class really has helped me on my journey, and the Attunement was magical!! Thank you Rev. Tiffany.

Thank you again Tiffany, for helping me in so many ways. Your Psychic Medium Awakening and Development Course has helped me greatly on my journey to awakening. The course is incredibly informative, thorough and easy to follow. I feel completely blessed to have been guided to you. So much love and gratitude."

~ Rev. Sheila Mae Turner

Run Valdr Course:  "Rev. Tiffany is a great spiritual teacher! Thank you for your guidance and reassurance! You have helped me to understand more on how energy healing works, and have given me the confidence to believe in myself more. I am blessed and fortunate to have you as a teacher."

~ Foo Swee Chin, China

“Tiffany's Activate your Avatar course was fantastic! I learned SO much, had fun, and am really happy with how many different subjects were covered. She is so open and giving and I hope to take more courses from her in the future.”

~ Amy, Mystic CT

“I took Tiffany’s on line course Activate your Avatar. The course was a combination of watching Tiffany live or on video, and the different chapters that you can either read on line or print out. I found the course excellent! I loved that doing it live it was interactive, and Tiffany’s bubbly personality shines through. I enjoyed greatly her guided meditations. I found them very powerful. Confirmation for their power, were the dreams I had after doing them. I easily felt like I was absolutely absorbing everything she was teaching. Easy to understand language which was very reassuring to me, that I was not left feeling like I was confused. I would definitely recommend this course to everyone.”

~ Wendy Morneau, CT

“I took Rev. Tiffany White Sage Woman’s Activate your Avatar course. If you’re wanting to understand and expand your spiritual growth, I highly recommend this class. It will help you awaken, develop, and expand yourself on your journey. I have taken many of Tiffany’s classes and they have helped me so much. I have no doubt you will be pleased and will thank yourself if you take this class. This course is so amazing as all her other courses. She explains so much in this course. I consider Tiffany a great mentor / teacher and I am blessed to know her. 

~ Maureen Lansing, RMT

“I took the Activate your Avatar course and I am so grateful that I did! Every chapter has so much valuable information in it. I learned a lot with each chapter. It has helped me so much in my everyday life. Every activation felt AMAZING!!!! The activations not only removed blockages that I have had for years and years, but also made me feel brand new. I feel so much lighter and happier since activating my Avatar. Tiffany is absolutely beautiful inside and out. She explains everything so that you understand and also has the knowledge of each activation and gives clear direction to help you. 

Tiffany is such a great healer and teacher. There is valuable information in this course that I am very thankful to have in my life and have access to. I am so glad that I decided to participate in this course because it really helped me not only spiritually, but mentally and physically as well. I have slept so much better since activating and expanding my 12 5th dimensional chakras. I highly recommend taking this course!!! Your body, mind and soul will thank you and feel so much better. Thank you, Tiffany and the Angels for guiding Tiffany to create this course to help all of us. Much love and many blessings to all.”

~ Sarah Ingraffia, RMT
Course Cancellation Policy:
Online and In Person Course Refund Policy: Goldylocks Temple of Healing, LLC and Tiffany White Sage Woman will not issue a refund. By continuing with the purchase, you are agreeing to these terms.
*Terms of ServiceYou must be at least 18 years of age to take any of these courses! 

If you have previous Reiki Certification, a copy of your Reiki Certificate(s) is/are required before any instruction will be administered. It is advised that you do not pay for any of the Healing Certification Courses until you email Tiffany your existing Certifications. Also, when you purchase the Usui Reiki Course I to III, please be aware of this: You will get the course materials you pay for, however, if you are not ready for the Final Attunement as Usui Reiki Master Teacher, your instruction will be placed on hold until you are ready. It is more important that you are truly ready than prematurely advancing you through this course. There is Honor, Respect and Patience involved with Being a Healing Facilitator.
The meaning of the word “rune” is “secret” or “whisper."  In Nordic mythology, the Runes were accorded great magical powers and their use was known only to an elite few highly spiritual beings.

This is a form of Healing based not on ancient Sanskrit or Tibetan teachings, but on the Norse Runes. The system is complete unto its self and does not rely in any way to other Reiki systems beyond cursory similarities in using the new symbols and in giving attunements.

Once called Runic Reiki, the name was changed as it is not so much a Reiki system that uses Runes in a Reiki-like way of using Runes. Run Valdr is old Norse for Rune Power. However it is not just power but authority as well and as such it is a responsibility to use them well.

Much of the recent material was revealed to the founder, Rodney Cox, by the Gods Odin and Freya and he was given symbols to work with. Later, after he had worked with them for awhile he was shown the attunement process.

There is only one attunement that gives the full system to the initiate. The attunement deals with the second chakra and the symbols are placed there rather than the base of the head or the hands.

A Certificate of Completion will be issued at the completion of this course.   $70
Free Gift with Purchase of the Run Valdr Course
The next 5 (update 3) Students who purchase this course will receive a free set of Runes. These Runes are hand crafted from water buffalo bone.

Run Valdr Rune Power Healing
Online Certification Courses
Steps to Sign Up for Course:

1. Pre-payment is required via Venmo or CashApp. Click the link below and ENTER the amount (the price) of the course you want to take.  In the comments or notes add which course you are signing up for and your email address.

2. After payment is received, the course materials are sent to you through email in pdf format for you to review the materials at your own pace.

Email me when you feel you have finished reviewing the material and are ready for your live one on one session with me, via video, for Q and A, reviewing the material and then your Attunement. 

Once the course is completed, you will receive your Certification via mail.